Research Topics
Basic and applied research in our group is focused on applications of optical metrology in industry, analysis and synthesis of optical systems, theory of optical imaging and phase retrieval in optics. We investigate and develop applications of various optical measurement techniques (interferometry, wavefront sensing, phase retrieval) for testing of image quality of optical systems and optical surfaces and we try to apply adaptive optical elements and systems. Main research topics can be characterized into the following categories:
- Optical interferometry
- Phase evaluation techniques
- Surface topography measurements
- Adaptive optical elements and systems
- Theory of optical imaging
- Analysis and synthesis of optical systems
- Laser and their applications
- Measurement methods and their application in industry
The previous links lead to more detailed descriptions of the research topics. If you are planning on pursuing a Ph.D., MSc. or BSc. degree in our group, please send your resume to Professor A.Mikš ( or Dr. J.Novak (