Zkouška a termíny
Termín konání zkoušky (kontaktujte Mgr. Sandru Giormani)
Místo: Katedra jazyků Fakulty stavební ČVUT v Praze, Thákurova 7, Praha 6, místnost B 261
Poplatek: částka 2.500,– Kč bude vybírána proti příjmovému dokladu v hotovosti 20 minut před zahájením zkoušky v místnosti B 262 a.
Přihlášky: prostřednictvím emailu na adresu: sandra.giormani@fsv.cvut.cz
Průběh zkoušky: zkouška se skládá ze dvou částí – písemné a ústní
Písemná část: doba trvání 300 minut, 4 části:
- část: čtení s porozuměním
- část: poslech s porozuměním
- část: esej (450 – 500 slov)
- část: gramaticko-lexikální test
(60 bodů/90minut) (40 bodů/60minut) (40 bodů/90minut) (60 bodů/60minut)
Pro úspěšné složení písemné části je nutné získat minimálně 140 bodů a zároveň dosáhnout minimálně 70% v jednotlivých částech. Studenti budou o výsledcích písemné zkoušky vyrozuměni emailem.
Ústní část: K ústní části postupuje pouze student, který uspěl v části písemné. Na začátku si student vylosuje jedno téma, vycházející z následujících okruhů:
B2 Level Certification
The candidates will always be given a text, table, graph, picture and/or a combination of more aids to each topic, in order to help them in the oral examination. Moreover, the candidates’ personal opinion and his/her experience in the given fields of architecture and civil engineering are accented.
A) Sustainable Architecture and Engineering
1) Architecture and Indoor Environment
2) Renewable Sources of Energy and Alternative Materials
3) Urban Design
4) Building Services
B) Civil Engineering – Structures and Technology
5) The relationship between architecture and civil engineering
6) Technologies and Innovations
7) Transportation Engineering
8) Hydraulic and Offshore Structures
C) Development of Architecture and Civil Engineering
9) History of Architecture
10) Restoration and Maintenance of Historical Buildings
11) Modern Technologies and Approaches
12) Into the Future
C1 Level Certification
The candidates draw a topic from the list of topics below.
A) Sustainable Architecture and Engineering
1) Architecture and Indoor Environment
Overview of IEQ factors (incl. indoor air quality, illumination, acoustics, and thermal conditions) analysed from civil engineering (technical) point of view as well as architectural (architectural design – passive design, net-zero economy and surplus options, etc.). Current problems and possible solutions.
2) Renewable Sources of Energy and Alternative Materials
Application of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal and biomass, etc) within the civil engineering sector. Their suitability in terms of structure types, location and financial viability; analysis in case studies.
3) Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
Basic knowledge in the technology of town and regional development strategies with an emphasis on the environment, sustainable development and landscape creation and preservation. The principles of sustainable design, smart cities, UHI, integrated greenery and brownfield redevelopment.
4) Building Services
Complex analysis of building control systems (mechanical, electrical, and other), energy distribution and energy supply, incl. HVAC, LV systems, ICT networks, etc. with emphasis on suitability with regard to sustainability (water management – incl. sanitary and ecological engineering, smart solutions and technologies).
B) Civil Engineering – Structures and Technology
5) The Relationship between Architecture and Civil Engineering within the Construction Process
Basic knowledge in the technology of construction processes, mechanization of the construction industry, theory of pre-production and production site preparation, time scheduling, design of construction site equipment, operative management of construction works, and the use of information technology in these activities. Elaboration on the cooperation between Architect and CE, and the responsibilities of each profession.
6) Technologies and Innovations
Scrutiny of various building structures with emphasis on complex issues related to the incorporation of new technologies and innovations into the design of building structures (residential, public, industrial and agricultural buildings), incl. utilization of concrete and masonry structures (developments in technology, fire safety design) and innovations in steel and timber structures (for buildings, industry, transport, as well as road and railway bridges, composite structures, thin-walled structures and structural connections)
7) Materials Engineering and Chemistry
The whole spectrum of work concerning the Materials Engineering subject, in particular the experimental and theoretical analyses of heat, moisture and chemical substances transport and storage in building materials, methodology of directed design of building materials and their multilayer systems, and testing, assessment and control of functional properties of building materials. With emphasis on concrete and masonry structures (i.e., cement-based composite materials, fibre concrete, properties of early-aged concrete, reinforced masonry and pre-stressed concrete structures) and steel and timber structures (i.e., the mechanical performance of wood and the development of framed houses; as well as towards glass and aluminium structures).
8) Transportation Engineering
Developments in the fields of road structures (design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of roads, motorways, urban roads and airports) and railway structures (design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of railway structures, i.e., railway tracks, stations and junctions, tram and underground railway tracks.
9) Hydraulic and Offshore Structures
Research and development concerning design, planning, construction, maintenance and operation of hydraulic structures with special attention to hydraulic structures on rivers. That is, in particular, weirs, waterways, locks, dams, reservoirs, hydropower plants, etc. Issues and examples of offshore structures (artificial island, oil rigs – also including protection of natural waters and water sources.
C) Development of Architecture and Civil Engineering
10) History of Architecture
Changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overreaching stylistic trends. Branches of architecture. Comparison with current tends – esp. high-rise buildings (structures, materials and construction process assessment).
11) Restoration and Maintenance of Historical Buildings
Most influential buildings of the 19th and 20th century in terms of architectural and structural development. Their impact on current day developments and trends. Emphasis on historical buildings in the Czech Republic – principles of renovation, maintenance, refurbishment and retrofitting.
12) Modern Technologies and Approaches
Including the fields of Economics and Management in CE (BIM, construction management and procurement systems); Smart Materials (permeable concrete, biomimetics, etc.) and innovative technologies, esp. in Geodesy and Geomatics (3D and4D printing, virtual reality and laser scanning, based positioning, remote sensing, land surveying, photogrammetry, and the use of geographic information systems in CE).
13) Into the Future
Prediction of future architectural conceptions and their possible problems (incl. outer worlds colonisation concepts – Mars; acquisition, modelling, analysis and management of spatial data applications such as satellite, etc.)
Na přípravu má student 30 minut, poté následuje 20 minutový rozhovor nad vylosovaným tématem. Součástí zkoušky je také prezentace vycházející z bakalářské, magisterské nebo doktorské práce kandidáta. Po prezentaci následuje krátká 5-10 minutová rozprava. V rámci ústní zkoušky musí uchazeč získat minimálně 28 bodů z maximálního počtu 40 bodů.
Písemnou a ústní část zkoušky hodnotí všichni členové zkušební komise. Zkouška se považuje za úspěšně složenou, pokud závěrečné hodnocení není horší než E, a student zároveň uspěje v jednotlivých dílčích částech.